Hi there!

Connect with me.

I’d love to connect with you. As with most of us in the digital era, there are LOTS of options. So many options. I sometimes feel I have more inboxes than the old woman in the shoe had kids! And they all seem to have a runny nose that needs my attention. 😂 But in all seriousness, I hope you find one below that works for you. :)

You can schedule time with me.

If you’re wanting to connect live, you can schedule time to talk with me via Calendly. I love curious conversations. How about you? Won’t you join me? Click the floating blue button below to choose a time that works for you.

Experience the magic of Contagious Vulnerability live!

The best way to understand how I work is to experience my heart-full hosting and facilitation live.

I hold a weekly space for Contagious Vulnerability on Zoom every Tuesday at 8am Pacific. Tickets are by donation and no one will be turned away for lack of funds. Email me using the form below to learn more.

I host rooms on Clubhouse, a social audio platform, where I invite people to come share what’s on their hearts, to witness and be witnessed, and guide the courageous conversations that invitation inspires.

I’m a social creature.

I try to use the media that is social for good. You can connect with, follow or message me on your preferred social channel(s):

You can email me.

Sadly, putting your email address on the Web invites all sorts of yuck. I’m more of a yum person. :) If email is your preferred communication channel, you can send me a message using the form below:

“Fais de ta vie un rêve, et d'un rêve, une réalité.”
(Make your of your life a dream, and from that dream, a reality.)

—Antoine de Saint-Exupéry